Is your platform up to scratch?

Now that it looks like we’re remote working for some time, we thought we’d share some best practice when it comes to delivering training. This is one of a number of mini blogs which we’ll be releasing over the coming days. 

Is your platform up to scratch? 

It’s all well and good thinking you’re covered because you have an online delivery platform, but with large scale remote working at play, does it still do what you need it to? 

The key things to ask yourself are: 

Will it cater for the number of users you intend to invite? (Check your licence conditions) 

Can you split learners into breakout rooms for group work and collaboration?  

Can you play videos to the audience and let them hear the voice and music?  

Are there tools to engage with the audience, such as polling, Q&A or thumbs up/down?

Can you record the session? Either for future reference or to save you repeating the same session. This is especially useful if you’re trying to deliver training across different time zones. 

But remember, even though you’re not in a training room, don’t let key teaching principles go out of the window. It is absolutely possible to deliver high-quality training even with the simplest of platforms. So, if you do find yourself without an all-singing, all-dancing platform, don’t let that put you off training your employees. Something is better than nothing.  

Check out the next blogs in this series for our top tips on delivering engaging online sessions.